Oral Biology 720 (OBIO 720)
Advanced Topics in Oral Biology
Course Description
This course is a core course of UNC School of Dentistry Residency Programs and is taught in the summer session immediately following student orientation to his/her program. The course is taught in lecture/seminar format by several faculty members of the School of Dentistry with strong research interests and ongoing basic and translational research programs. Individually, the faculty provides insights regarding some of the general principles affecting the practice of dentistry. The faculty shares their current scientific approaches to problem solving in dentistry, and highlights their own research interests to engage the new residents to current and ongoing research around the world as well as in their own laboratories/clinics.
Course Objectives
To introduce the new graduate students to a high level of investigation of clinical problems facing the practicing dentist. Molecular, cellular and genomic approaches to disease will be stressed.
To illustrate fundamental approaches to discovery used in modern biology to establish causes and seek solutions to clinical problems facing dentistry
To establish a foundation for learning and a common ground for interaction (e.g., vocabulary and definitions) among residents when discussing clinical issues among peers.
Course Director
Sompop Bencharit, DDS, MS, PhD
School of Dentistry
342 Brauer Hall
CB# 7450
Tel: (919)-843-8734
Fax: (919)-966-3821
Course Policies and Requirements
Attendance is mandatory of all first year Prosthodontic, Endodontic, Periodontic, and Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology graduate students.
Grading and Evaluation
H = High Pass or Honor. Student has attended lectures and completed the written essay examination with exceeded expectionation.
P = Pass. Student has attended lectures and completed the written essay examination.
L = Low Pass. Student has not missed more than 20% of total classes, but has completed that written examination.
IN = Incomplete. Failure to meet the minimum guidelines (e.g. attending the required number of lectures, but not turning in the written examinations). The IN grade is changed to a P when guidelines are met.
F = Fail. Failure to meet the guidelines (class attendance & written examination) and no reasonable means to meet them in a timely manner.